
1.- Raining: Lloviendo – Today, is raining in Punta Arenas
2.-Biking: Ciclismo – I want to practice biking this weekend
3.-Lake: Lago – Tomorrow I will go to Banana Lake
4.- WindSurf: Surf en viento – I don´t like windsurf, is very dangerous
5.-Sport: Deporte – Handball, is my favorite sport.
6.- Neighborhood: Vecindario – In my neighborhood there is not a supermarket near
7.- Expensive : Costoso – The gasoline is very expensive this year.
8.-Sneakers: Zapatillas – I want to buy new sneakers.
9.- Umbrella : Paraguas – Tomorrow I will not use umbrella, will sunny
10.- Course: Curso – Yesterday, I took a drive course
11.- Tie: Corbata - I have an ugly tie, it´s green
12.- Suit: Traje – I don´t want use suit for the test
13.-Ring: Anillo - I gave my girlfriend a ring
14.- Need: Necesitar – I need to buy new blue jeans
15.- Wearing: Usando – I ´m wearing shorts and t –shirt in this moment
16.- Belt : Cinturón – My belt is too tight
17.- Silver: Plata - I like silver jewels
18.- Backpack: Mochila – I bought a backpack yesterday
19.- Money: Dinero - I don´t have money to my holidays
20.-Place: Lugar – I want to go to very beautiful place
21.- Weather: Clima – Where is the weather like in Punta Arenas?
22.- Buildings: Edificios – Here in Santiago there are beautiful buildings
23.- Museum: Museo – Tomorrow I will go to Science and technology museum
24.-Concert: Concierto – I don´t want to go to the concert iron maiden
25.- Ferry: Transbordador – I took a ferry to go to Chiloe Island
26.- Shopping: Ir de compras – I don´t like shopping
27.- Turkey: Turquía – I will go to Turkey to know something places
28.- Sprinkles: Mostacilla – The sprinkles are kind of candy
29.- Cake: Pastel – I put strawberries in my cake
30.- Spicy: Picante – I want to eat spicy food
31.- Souvenirs: Recuerdos – I bought souvenirs in San Cristobal hill
32.- Chat: Conversar – I like chat online with my friends
33.- Clean: Limpiar – My mother cleans the house every day
34.- Rent: Arrendar – I rented a DVD last week
35.- Try: Intentar – I will try sleep this night
36.- Invite: Invitar – I invited to my girlfriend to dinner in my house
37.- Pass: Aprobar – I passed my driver´s exam
38.- Journal: Revista – I read a journal this morning
39.- Stamps: I need stamps to send my letters
40.-Coffee: Café – I drank a very hot coffee
41.- Scared: Miedo – My brother is very scared
42.- Pet: Mascota – My first pet was a dog
43.- Anyway: De todos modos – Anyway, call me tomorrow
44.- Seat: Asiento - There is a brown seat in the park
45.- Hate: odiar – My father hates shopping
46.- Honeymoon: Luna de miel – My parents went to honeymoon to Alaska
47.- Hiking: Excursionismo – I like hiking to Aguas de Ramón Park
48.- Sick: Enfermo – I am very sick in this moment, I have flu
49.- Took: Tomó – I took an English exam this morning
50.- Awful: Horrible - I had an awful dream
51.- Eggs: Huevos - I will prepare two eggs This night
52.- Carrot: Zanahoria – My rabbit eats carrots
53.- Cookies: Galletas – There are cookies on the table
54.- Peanuts: Maní – The elephant in the zoo eats peanuts
55.- Just: Solo – I just wanna sandwich
56.- Steak: Filete – I want to eat grilled steak
57.-Shellfish: Mariscos – I eat Shellfish every weekend
58.- Lettuce: Lechuga – I don´t like eat lettuce
59.- Pineapple: Piña – Yesterday, I drank a pineapple juice
60.- Mangoes: Mangos – I want to taste a mango

lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014

Manera de aprendizaje

Técnicas para una persona teórica:

Búsqueda de soluciones
- Toma de decisiones
- Ejercicios prácticos

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